Letter Writing Review
Letter Writing Review
One of Emily Filmore’s goals, as an MSU Board member, has been to find a way to provide a direct service to Myositis patients. As a published author, she has extensive experience with writing and editing. She has decided to make the following FREE offer to our members:
“If you are writing a letter to your legislator, insurance company, disability, or anything else having to do with fighting for your rights pertaining to your Myositis, and would like another pair of eyes to review it, you can contact me. I have a couple of caveats: 1) my opinions are just that, my opinions. By enlisting me to review your letter you agree to hold me, and Myositis Support and Understanding Association, Inc., harmless for my opinions, in the end you must send the letter you feel comfortable with and you alone must decide if you will take or leave my advice; but either way, we are not responsible for the final product, 2) Due to my other commitments and being ill as well, I can only accept one (1) letter per week, letters will be reviewed in the order I receive them and you are free to proceed without me if I get backed up and you don’t want to wait for my assistance, and 3) I will request seven (7) days to complete my review, in most cases I will be able to return much faster; but if I am on another deadline, traveling, or just feeling sick, I need to have wiggle room.”