Have you ever grieved your losses due to chronic illness? Have you grieved over how your life has changed as a caregiver?

The Grieving Project

Four different people. Four different chronic illness experiences. Plunging through 14 stages of grieving and thriving, through a melding of words and an emotional orchestra. Taking us on a moving journey from surviving… to thriving.

Award-winning artist, Aoede, Lisa Sniderman, has been living with dermatomyositis for over 12 years. She recognized that she forgot to grieve her own illness and realized that through music, she could reach many others who may have also forgotten to grieve.

“The Grieving Project is a road map to our hearts, an invitation for you to grieve your loss, your change, your unexpected and unwanted transformation, and the inspiration and encouragement you need to awaken, express, rejuvenate, activate, connect, shine and truly thrive!”

Purchase on Amazon/Audible

MSU Presents “The Grieving Project: Creatively Grieving Our Chronic Illnesses” Workshop

December 17, 2021 – 4-6:30 PM ET / 1-3:30 PM PT

See full details and register to join us.

What is The Grieving Project?

“The Grieving Project” is a new inventive, unique spoken word audiobook set to original music intended to speak to and empower those of us with chronic illness, loved ones and caretakers to grieve our losses from illness, and inspire us to thrive.

What can you do when you struggle with an illness or disability that doesn’t go away? You can deny it. You can suffer from and live in fear of it. You can scream at it and demand to know why it’s there. You can come to terms with it. You can feel sorry for yourself. You can make friends with it. You can learn to live your life with it. You can grieve. And perhaps if you grieve, you can awaken, express, rejuvenate, activate, connect, shine and thrive, not only despite, but because of it.

The Grieving Project is an invitation for you to grieve your loss, your change, your unexpected and unwanted transformation, and the inspiration and encouragement you need to awaken, express, rejuvenate, activate, connect, shine and truly thrive!

 I Forgot to Grieve

Lisa Sniderman shares the story of her realization that we actually are grieving because of our chronic, rare illness and realized she hadn’t grieved her losses.

“I could hide behind my artist persona, Aoede the muse of song, to avoid and camouflage the darkness I was living with every day. I didn’t have to confront any of my difficult feelings and instead, I could live in my place of joy, imagination and in fantasy worlds of my own making that had nothing to do with my day-to day reality or my disease.”

Read the full article on MyositisLIFE.org.

The Grieving Project by LIsa Sniderman, Aoede, cover art

Lynn Wilson, Vice President of MSU, shares . . . 

“I was diagnosed with a chronic illness in 2015, dermatomyositis, and what I know is that your world is turned upside down. Lisa Sniderman’s, “The Grieving Project” is a love letter to your soul, giving voice to those thoughts and emotions that we all feel, but sometimes don’t express as we move from grieving to thriving. I found so much of my own journey in this performance – experiences that I could laugh about and sadness about feelings I had hidden for too long. Embrace the experience and you too can Thrive.”

The Grieving Project and MSU

Lisa is generously donating 50% of all proceeds from the sale of “The Grieving Project” to Myositis Support and Understanding (MSU) to help improve the lives of those living with myositis and is working with MSU to share the Project with members and others who might benefit, recognizing how art and music can be an opening to help us process grief and loss from our illnesses. If you are interested in sharing “The Grieving Project” with your community and have questions, we are happy to talk with you.

The Grieving Project website

Check out “Keep Shining” by Aoede

“Before the closing of my live show in December 2018, performers came together as a group and sang a new song I wrote for the event – Keep Shining – an expressive anthem inspired by artists’ stories, a vital reminder to never give up. While I voiced my inner fears, doubts, questions and insecurities, our live performers kept repeating the chorus to “Keep Shining” as a powerful, uplifting counterpoint. I collaborated with our ‘ lights in the darkness’ community, where more than 20 artists contributed their voices. The video is inspired by my own story and transformations struggling with rare chronic illness – dermatomyositis, disability and recovery.” – Lisa Sniderman

Watch Keep Shining

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