See details of the 4th Annual Myositis Empower Walk by visiting

Date: Saturday, October 8, 2022

This is our signature event, created by Lauren and Jenna Landan in loving memory of their father, Bob Landman, who passed due to dermatomyositis. This year we will honor the life of Stella Clapp. 

Don’t miss the activities leading up to the walk! 

Myositis Empower Walk

Join us for the 4th Annual Myositis Empower Walk either in person at Discovery Park in Henderson, NV, or via live stream, on Saturday, October 9, 2022. Stay tuned to learn how you can get involved and join the activities leading up to, and on the day off the walk!

The 3rd Annual Myositis Empower Walk was a huge success, raising over $28,000!

The Landman Family created the Myositis Empower Walk in loving memory of Robert “Bob” Landman. In 2020, the Empower Walk introduced the virtual experience, with live participation. We went LIVE on Facebook to Discovery Park with the Landman’s and Shelby, who enthusiastically hosted the LIVE video. In 2022, we are continuing to build on both the virtual and in person experience. We hope you will join us!

Visit the Myositis Empower Walk Website!

Follow the Myositis Empower Walk! 

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2nd Annual Myositis Empower Walk

Myositis Empower Walk at Discovery Park

Thank you for joining us Saturday, September 19, 2020, at the 2nd Annual Myositis Empower Walk, whether in-person at Discovery Park or LIVE on Facebook!

You made a difference. You brought the community together and we could feel the love and support. And it spread across the world with people joining us from the U.K., Italy, Mexico, Canada, and Australia.

The Landman family did a fantastic job. Our gratitude to Lauren and Jenna Landman for all of the work they do planning and promoting. And for Gladys and Chad Landman for their more behind-the-scenes work and support. Special thanks to Shelby for hosting the Facebook LIVE!

Thank you to all who donated, fundraised, and traveled to be at the walk. Thank you for your photos and videos so we can share them publicly.

Stay tuned for details about next year’s Empower Walk!

Watch Live with the Landman’s

We invited Lauren and Jenna Landman, creators of the Myositis Empower Walk, to join us for an intimate discussion about their dad’s journey, and his subsequent death shortly after being diagnosed with the rare disease dermatomyositis. We talk about their healing through finding Myositis Support and Understanding (MSU) and in creating the Myositis Empower Walk in loving memory of Robert “Bob” Landman. Watch to learn more about this amazing family and the work they are doing for those living with or caring for those with myositis.

Photos from the 2020 Myositis Empower Walk

Hosted by The Landman Family, in memory of Bob Landman

The Myositis Empower Walk and Myositis EmpoweRun 5K were created in loving memory of Robert “Bob” Landman by his family to help Myositis Support and Understanding continue with its important patient-centered work.

The 2nd Annual Myositis Empower Walk, September 19, 2020, was both an in-person and virtual event, and the outpouring of love and support, and a real sense of community togetherness, was living through the world thanks to The Landman Family. And, this event raised over $18,000!  See even more photos here

About The Landman Family

When Robert “Bob” Landman became ill he was misdiagnosed several times. When he finally got the diagnosis of dermatomyositis, it was too late for any of the medications to be effective and Bob passed away due to complications.

Since, Gladys, Jenna, Lauren, and Chad have been involved to help MSU promote awareness and raise money to continue to further our mission.

What a great legacy Bob leaves for other patients continuing to fight this rare disease.

Read “Our Dad was More Than His Dermatomyositis” to learn more about Bob Landman.

If you have lost a loved one with myositis, share their information with us to be included in MSU’s Annual “A Day of Remembrance” video event. We want to publicly remember those we have lost.

Why did you create the Myositis Empower Walk?

The Landman’s shared, “We started the Myositis Empower Walk to inspire people to support MSU’s mission and to create a safe space for patients and caregivers alike. Our goal is to raise funds to continue to provide financial support for patients and to support research to better understand myositis, find treatments, and one day a cure.”

Lauren Landman answers, “Why do I find it so important to better our awareness and education of rare illnesses such as Myositis?”

The answer to that is quite simple, it’s because my family and I lost our dad to dermatomyositis. The severe physical pain and emotional stress he had to live with while struggling to find answers was unimaginable. Watching your parent go from being completely able-bodied, to sick and unable to care for himself in just six months is something I can not put into words. Perhaps, the most frightening part of this whole experience was that he was misdiagnosed multiple times thus delaying potential treatments that could have saved his life.

The lack of knowledge and understanding of Myositis in the medical community is detrimental and quite frankly, unacceptable. I wish simply to shed light on what needs to be changed in order to prevent others from experiencing the pain my dad endured.

I do not say this with anger nor resentment but rather, passion and love in honor of my dad, Robert Landman. Although it saddens my family and I deeply to know he had so much more of his life to live, it gives us happiness to know his story can help others.

Photos from the 2019 Myositis Empower Walk

Hosted by The Landman Family, in memory of Bob Landman

The Myositis Empower Walk and Myositis EmpoweRun 5K were created in loving memory of Robert “Bob” Landman by his family to help Myositis Support and Understanding continue with its important patient-centered work.

The first Myositis Empower Walk hosted by the Landman family was held on May 19, 2019, in Henderson, Nevada, just outside of Las Vegas. MSU VP Lynn Wilson was able to attend and share the work we are doing with the supporters in attendance. 

© 2025 Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU). All rights reserved. | View our Privacy Policy, Terms, and Non-Discrimination policy. MSU is a charitable organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Federal ID #47-4570748.

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