Information for Veterans with Myositis

We want to take a moment and thank you for your service. We have created a helpful listing of resources for Veterans to help those living with myositis get started receiving benefits for which they may qualify. This is not a full listing of Veterans services.  You can visit the Official VA website here for further information.

The Veterans Administration offers a wide variety of benefits for Veterans. These VA benefits include disability, medical treatment, education, training, vocational rehabilitation, employment, home loan guaranty, dependent and survivor benefits,  life insurance, and burial benefits. The information provided is a guide to help Veterans receive possible health and rehabilitation benefits.

Getting started with the VA

Every Veteran should register with the VA and get an ID card. Get started by visiting

After enrollment, every Veteran seeking VA help should contact a Veteran’s Service Organization. These organizations are nonprofits and assist the Veteran in navigating the VA. There is no charge to the Veteran for this service. Veteran Service Organizations are helpful, especially when dealing with individual state benefits that are separate from the VA’s benefits.

Get Started with the VA

Environmental Risk Factors for the Development of Myositis in Military Personnel

This study attempts to determine if environmental and geographic exposures may be related to the development of myositis during military service and to obtain an initial understanding of the possible mechanisms involved.  Subjects diagnosed with myositis [Dermatomyositis (DM), Polymyositis (PM), or Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM)] while on active duty, and normal volunteers matched to myositis subjects may enroll by completing questionnaires, a physical examination, and donating blood samples.

We recommend that all Veterans enroll if they qualify.

View the study details

Veterans Resources

Helpful Tips for Veterans

  • You do not need a service-connected disability in order to receive health benefits from the VA.
  • Some veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on qualifying factors. Most veterans are required to complete an annual financial assessment (a means test) to determine if they qualify for free services.
  • Your current health insurance does not affect your eligibility for VA healthcare. Your insurance may be used to supplement your VA benefits by reducing or fully covering any co-pays.
  • VA funds, which are appropriated by Congress each year, are limited. The VA has created priority groups to ensure certain groups are able to enroll before others. Once you are enrolled and your eligibility is verified, you will be assigned to a priority group. Learn more about priority groups.

Looking for Support?

We provide various support options for all living with myositis, as well as caregivers, family members, and friends.

Join an online support group today and get the best support, education, and resources you deserve.

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About Agent Orange Exposure

Although a direct link to Myositis through Agent Orange exposure has not been identified, Veterans who are able to establish their exposure to Agent Orange would receive service-connected status for diseases on the Agent Orange presumptive diseases list. View the list here. 

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