MSU's Annual A Day of Remembrance
While honoring the memory and expressing the sadness of the losses to myositis–losses that mean a great deal to our community–we can help others realize the urgent need for continued education at all levels, new and effective therapies, better understanding and increased awareness, and for rare disease patients to get involved in clinical trials and other research, all keys in helping to improve the lives of those impacted by myositis.
Share your loved one
Share with us the name of a loved one, family member, or friend who lost their life fighting Myositis so we can publicly remember them during our video event in May 2022. Please submit no later than April 15, 2022.
Watch previous videos
We started the A Day of Remembrance in 2018 to make sure we remember those we have lost to myositis.
Watch the previous A Day of Remembrance videos below.