Caregiver, take a break

As a caregiver for someone with myositis, you have one of the hardest, most stressful jobs imaginable. Caring for someone with muscle weakness, chronic pain, fatigue and other relentless symptoms is taxing, both physically and emotionally. Some of you may even care for someone who is now unable to do anything for themselves due to complete muscle function loss.

In order to help others, you must take care of yourself. Schedule time out each day to do something for yourself that you enjoy. Built up stress and feelings of guilt for wanting a break are normal emotions. Try some of the following activities to give yourself time away: keep a journal, take a nap, spend some time with a friend, meditate, exercise, take a walk or simply read a book. It is not selfish to need or want a break. After all, you are only human and pent-up stress can harm your body, mind and spirit.

Caregiving is a selfless act and one that myositis patients appreciate more than could ever be expressed. Caregivers are the heroes in this story!



Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU) is a patient-centered, all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Empowering the Myositis Community. Founded by Myositis patients, for Myositis patients, MSU provides education, support, advocacy, access to research and clinical trial matching, and need-based financial assistance.

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