Happy Independence Day!
And while you celebrate this Independence Day, MSU can’t think of a better time to announce a new day of independence for Myositis patients everywhere, thanks to Steve Powell, Founder and CEO of IndeeLift, creator of the HFL-400-FTS (Floor-to-Stand) Human Floor Lift, inspired by and designed specifically with Myositis patients in mind.
IndeeLift, in partnership with Myositis Support and Understanding (MSU), is announcing a new program that combines the opportunity to purchase at a deep discount the Floor-to-Stand IndeeLift (HLM-FTS) to those who want freedom of worry from fall recovery, with the opportunity to generate substantial funds to accelerate Medical and Patient-Centered Research and Development for the Myositis Community.
Read Steve’s letter below of how the resilience and warrior spirit of the Myositis patient community inspired him to design a machine that will help patients who battle every day get their independence back, and find out how to order this game-changing lift device for fall recovery. See the full details of this exciting program with IndeeLift by visiting https://understandingmyositis.org/indeelift.
A letter from Steve Powell at IndeeLift
Hello Myositis Community,
My name is Steve Powell and I invented the Human Floor lift (HFL) to get people up from the floor safely.
My family experience caused me to become passionate about providing a fall recovery tool that could improve the lives of patients and caregivers everywhere.
The HFL has helped many thousands of people get up safely after a fall and continues to help people daily. It is truly a blessing to have been able to make this tool available to those who need it while helping the families and the caregivers and everyone involved be safer when living with mobility challenges and disabilities.
While this cool tool to help folks up hit the nail on the head, there was more to be done. Late last year, four different people contacted me to explain that they had a rare disease called inclusion body myositis (IBM). They explained the impact of falls on their lives and the ongoing struggle to get up from the floor, a chair or the commode.
They said that my human floor lift would be really helpful if it could pick them up from the floor and continue past the height of a normal chair to the point of lifting them to a standing position.
Being the passionate problem solver that I am, I did a bit of research with a variety of people in the IBM/Myositis community and came up with a design that would actually be able to help almost everyone living with IBM for many years, while helping many others who battle fall recovery to keep their independence.
We built a few machines and ran around the country testing the new 30-inch HFL-FTS (Floor-to-Stand) with IBM patients. Real-world testing, with multiple users in varying stages of progression, showed us that the FTS would provide safety, security, and independence to many who have been left trapped because of the lack of the right tool.
IndeeLift is very proud that we were able to build a machine specifically fitting the needs of those living with IBM. My personal goal was to make a really helpful machine. There is no doubt that the FTS will change the daily lives of those who have had their mobility limited by IBM/Myositis.
As I pondered how to get these lifts in the hands of those who need them the most, I realized that my manufacturing capacity will take some time to ramp up to offer this great tool to the whole world. I came up with a plan that will allow those with the greatest need to get these machines as soon as they are available and at a deeply discounted price.
In summary, without those people with IBM reaching out to me for help, we would not have this great tool that will help literally hundreds of thousands of people all around the planet. While the Myositis Community may seem small to the large companies that support medical research, IndeeLift is a small company with a great product and true compassion for those who live with all forms of Myositis.
IndeeLift is becoming larger and more successful by living with the philosophy people count! All of our efforts are being aimed at achieving the greatest good for the greatest number in all that we do! Consequently, IndeeLift is partnering with Myositis Support and Understanding and the Myositis Community and as such, Myositis will be the primary recipient of IndeeLift corporate giving efforts for the foreseeable future! Together we can really make a difference in the day-to-day lives in this community, while also enabling the research that may one day lead to the real goal of slowing or curing IBM and ultimately Myositis.
To learn more about my new HLF, how it can help you regain and maintain your independence, and my plans to help the Myositis Community, visit the MSU Indeelift Program page.
With the goal of the greatest good for the greatest number,