Myositis Support and Understanding Association announces its new Video Chat Support Program
Lincoln, DE — February 26, 2016 — With Myositis patients spanning across the globe, Myositis Support and Understanding Association is excited to bring their new Video Chat Program to light.
MSU created this new venture in an effort to expand its online support programs while bringing patients together from around the world. The Video Chat Program will enable patients and caregivers to meet face-to-face, discuss important topics, receive/give support and education about Myositis, and to learn new hobbies.
MSU originally began when Jerry Williams started a small Facebook support group in 2010 called “Polymyowhat: Understanding Myositis.” From this one, small, Myositis support group, MSU has expanded its reach as a patient-centered nonprofit with a specialty in caring for and supporting patients, members, and their caregivers.
“It’ll be exciting to actually ‘meet’ other patients and people we have been talking to online for years. It helps to have that support from one another, even if we cannot meet in person.” – Angela Chami, Board Member
The Video Chat Support program is slated for launch on February 29th, Rare Disease Day 2016, the most rare day of the year, and will use (FCC) as its platform. MSU is thankful for FCC, as it allows them to keep expenses at a minimum in order to continue building essential programs for the Myositis Community.
Jerry Williams, Founder and President of MSU, says, ”This latest program gives us the ability to offer Myositis patients a different type of support. While in-person and online support groups are wonderful, those living with Myositis, at times, have difficulties leaving the house due to symptoms such as muscle weakness and fatigue, or because they must use assistive devices such as wheelchairs, power chairs, walkers, and canes. This helps to remove that barrier and still empower them to talk face-to-face with other patients.”
Jerry Williams, Founder and President