Video Support is one of the best choices I’ve made regarding group support for Myositis

D. Williamson shared, the following with us:

I joined my first Myositis Patient Video Support session in October of 2019. I have to say it is one of the best choices I’ve made about getting support for myositis.

I am fairly new to internet support groups and social media (FB, IG, Youtube) and I had never joined a live group. I guess I’ve always thought they were just something for people to be seen, or a “poor pity me” place, or – I must confess, I didn’t think I had anything to really contribute. Plus, what if I didn’t fit in, look right, sound right, etc., (man does that sound like high school anxiety).  I WAS WRONG!

Everyone had something to share that was beneficial, everyone was welcoming, and best of all, since this group is specific to myositis patients, we all had something in common. The age groups varied – I think I was the oldest at 61yrs old. And, no one cared if we were “dressed”, styled, made up, in a chair or in a bed, or even in a hospital room!

So, what I’m trying to say is that if you are still thinking “maybe” you’ll join an upcoming live video support session, DO IT. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain – including new friends, shared experiences and tips, and maybe you can even put a face to the names of those with whom you talk to in the groups.

Information and experience of myositis are abundant. Some who “don’t know much” to those who are “well experienced, unfortunately”.

If you’re not sure how to join, the sessions are on the MSU website and the MSU Facebook page events section. Just follow the instructions. If you need help, you can contact our fearless leader Jerry Williams, or even me; I’ll try to help and not lead you astray.


Jerry Williams, the Founder and President of MSU, was diagnosed with Polymyositis in 2003 at the age of 27. Since his diagnosis, Jerry has made it his mission to help others living with the rare disease, Myositis. To this effort, Jerry is involved in many different aspects such as education, writing, helping support and answer questions from patients and caregivers, social networking and website development, and much more. (NOTE: Some things are posted under Jerry Williams but he is not the true author. This is because he manages the website.)

View more information: Jerry Williams

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