Give from the Heart

Make a tax deductible donation today!

MSU is an all-volunteer, completely virtual, patient-centered 501 (c)3 non-profit tax-exempt organization in the USA. Our Federal EIN is 47-4570748.

Ask your employer about a gift match! Many companies offer it. 

Employer Gift Match

Ask your employer about gift matching! With matching gifts, you may be able to double your gift contribution to MSU!

Many employers sponsor matching gift programs that will match charitable contributions made by their employees. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. Contact the management or HR department and there are forms they will request from us that we will fill out and return. Thank you for being willing to ask. We rely on donations to exist and we are grateful to each and every donor. 

Ask your Employer about Gift Matching! Many offer it and we find when you ask, many will offer to match. 

© 2024 Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU). All rights reserved. | View our Privacy Policy, Terms, and Non-Discrimination policy. MSU is a charitable organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Federal ID #47-4570748.

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