MSU Financials

Below are our most recent financials.

2023 Financials

View the 2023 Financials

2022 Financials

View the 2022 Financials

2021 Financials

View the 2021 Financials

2020 Financials and Annual Report

Learn more about our accomplishments in 2020. It is only with your support that we were able to make such strides!

View the 2020 Financials View the 2020 Annual Report

Congratulations to the extraordinary team at MSU on all of their accomplishments highlighted in the 2020 Annual Report! We continue to be in awe about MSU’s real impact on people living with myositis. MSU continues to support the community in ways that matter to people. Educational and lifestyle webinars, free 24/7 support to the myositis community, and more. We are also so excited to learn about your research accomplishments and that top myositis experts are with the MSU team. MSU’s mission of improving the lives of and empower those fighting myositis inspires all of us at Corbus daily. We continue to stand behind MSU and applaud their commitment. – Lindsey Smith, Corbus Pharmaceuticals

IRS Determination Letter

IRS Determination Letter

© 2024 Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU). All rights reserved. | View our Privacy Policy, Terms, and Non-Discrimination policy. MSU is a charitable organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Federal ID #47-4570748.

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