#MyositisLIFE, Awareness Month 2016

The May 2016 Myositis Awareness Month MSU theme is #MyositisLIFE! We will share and show the world what Myositis looks like. Submit your #MyositisLIFE project, and learn more, at UnderstandingMyositis.org/myositislife!

#MyositisLIFE personal projects and educational images, videos, and more will be posted here soon! View the proclamations we have so far!

Myositis Awareness 2016

Check out the #MyositisLIFE postings we have shared so far.

We are posting one a day, or maybe two, depending on how many we receive. Learn more about your fellow Myositis patients and what living with Myositis looks like from their point of view.

Also, there is still time to submit yours here!

Myositis Awareness 2016 Proclamations


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