All Giving Tuesday Myositis Awareness Myositis Empower Walk Rare Disease Day + 1st Annual Myositis Empower Walk Photos from the 1st Annual Myositis Empower Walk in Las Vega... + 2nd Annual Myositis Empower Walk Photos from the 2nd Annual Myositis Empower Walk in Las Vega... + Myositis Awareness Month 2019 For Myositis Awareness Month, May 2019, we went back to our ... + Myositis Awareness 2018 During Myositis Awareness Month, May 2018, we placed a large... + Rare Disease Day 2017 For the fourth year in a row, Myositis Support and Understan... + Myositis Awareness 2016 #MyositisLIFE is MSU's 2016 Awareness Theme. Check out procl... + Myositis Awareness 2015 2015 - Photos and Video of Myositis patients, friends, and f... + Rare Disease Day 2015 Photos of Myositis patients, family members, and friends sup... + Giving Tuesday 2015 #Unselfies for Giving Tuesday 2015 Share to spread the word about myositis!