Thank you MSU members and visitors for a successful awareness month!
Here is a snapshot of our month by the numbers:
- MSU’s website registered 119 new members
- MSU reached over 187K people through the #MyositisLIFE project, educational pieces, and other postings.
- We exceeded our fundraising goal by more than 65%.
- We held 8 video chat sessions for education, awareness, and disease-specific topics.
- Our Facebook support groups grew by 98 new members. We are now offering support and education to over 2,500 members in our Facebook support groups alone.
- We received many state proclamations declaring May 2016 as Myositis Awareness Month.
- All of our social networking sites grew in the number of followers.
- We started new partnerships and enriched old ones!
Thank you so much for your participation, and remember, there is always time for awareness through education. Embrace each opportunity to educate others by providing them with our information cards and brochures. You can order these in our online store to have on hand, or order your very own custom MSU information cards that include your name and information.
Tags: myositis awareness
Congrats to all who were a part of making this happen! We reached over 187K people for #Myositis Awareness month! Incredible.