Myositis and Related Resources

Empowering the Myositis Community

We have created a helpful listing of resources for Myositis, disability, and related overlapping autoimmune diseases.  We continually add new information and resources as they become available.

Myositis Resources

Overlaps and Autoimmune Disease

Internal Resources

Locate Providers

Additional Resources

Myositis Clinical Trial Matching

Looking for Support?

Check out a listing we have compiled of Myositis, and related, Facebook support groups. MSU provides groups for patients, family members, friends, caregivers and care partners. Join an online support group today and get the best support, education, and tools you deserve.

Get Support & Education you deserve

© 2024 Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU). All rights reserved. | View our Privacy Policy, Terms, and Non-Discrimination policy. MSU is a charitable organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Federal ID #47-4570748.

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