Anti-MDA5 Dermatomyositis Survey Results Coming Soon!

Purpose of this Study

Anti-MDA5 DM is one of the least understood subtypes in DM, often associated with rapidly progressive interstitial lung disease and poor prognosis. Among the subgroups of DM, the prevalence of anti-MDA5 DM ranges from 7 to 60%.  

A better understanding of the characteristics of the Anti-MDA5 DM subtype is needed to determine more effective treatments, better care management, and improved clinical trial design. The MSU Research Team looks to use this general data to create a better profile of the anti-MDA5 DM patient journey to use in further prospective research studies.

Please check back between the end of August through mid-September 2023 for the results and presentation for this page to appear or be sure you are a registered member and you will receive an email when the details are ready. Membership is free. Register Today!

We are finalizing the presentation to make it easy to read and follow along so you can understand the results of the Myositis Journey and Burden of Disease survey including patients and care partners. This is a part of our Simply Put promise; to make the results of research and educational information easy to understand no matter your background.

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