PSG + MSU + YOU: Your Role in the World of Diagnostics
Since the start of our partnership with Plasma Services Group (PSG) in 2019, over 100 myositis donors have participated. Samples collected from the MSU community are being used by diagnostic researchers around the world to establish standards for autoimmune diagnostic labs. Myositis plasma is sent to labs for proficiency testing and quality programs that ensure labs meet diagnostic standards. Plasma can also be used by pharmaceutical companies to identify new biomarkers and possibly track treatment outcomes.
If you are living with myositis and you are interested in this paid opportunity to give blood or plasma, please fill out the donor form at or call Mike at 215-355-1288 x306.
On May 23, 2019, Nichelle Porto, Mike Delahanty, Kathryn Kohl, and Kate Boylan of Plasma Services Group (PSG) joined us for a live video discussion about donating plasma for medical research.
You could earn up to $200 per donation of plasma. This is not whole blood donation and the plasma is used for medical research and in the making of diagnostic test kits.
If you are interested, complete your online donor form here: Remember to select Myositis Support & Understanding under the referral drop down!