Find a Myositis Specialist

Listings and Tips to find experienced healthcare providers

You deserve a doctor or team of doctors who are knowledgeable about the inflammatory myopathies and the diseases that they often mimic. Experience in the diagnostic process is helpful to ensure a proper diagnosis and to begin prompt treatment. There are many reasons why finding a doctor that meet these criteria can be difficult:

Myositis, Inflammatory Myopathies are rare diseases

Many doctors will never encounter someone with Myositis so they are unlikely to know the latest in research, diagnostics, treatments and potential complications. In the not-too-distant past, medical schools stressed that Myositis did not cause pain. It is now much more recognized and accepted that pain is part of the symptoms suffered by many with this disease. It is important that the doctor overseeing your care understands all aspects of Myositis.

What type of doctor(s)?

To add to the confusion, Myositis falls under several categories. While it’s an autoimmune disease, it’s also a neuromuscular disease and often a disease of the skin, lungs, and other organs. Due to the variety of symptoms and complications which affect people with Myositis, it’s often confusing to know what type of doctor will understand and treat your specific issues. A neurologist, dermatologist, rheumatologist or immunologist could oversee your care, but you may also need to see other specialists such as a pulmonologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, rehabilitation specialist, and pain management specialist. 

The variation of symptoms

There is a great variety of symptoms within the subtypes of Myositis as well as from person-to-person. Some patients experience only muscle weakness, while others have skin issues which may or may not be accompanied by muscle involvement. Add in other manifestations of the disease experienced by some, such as difficulty swallowing or breathing, and the frustration factor increases to find proper medical knowledge and care.

Treatments not working?

Just as symptoms vary, so do responses to treatments, and it is sometimes necessary to find doctors who have spent years seeing hundreds of Myositis patients.  Often effective treatment ends up actually being a combination of treatments, which takes knowledge, experience, time and patience on the part of the physician.

It is easy to understand why so many patients experience frustrations in finding a physician. It is imperative that patients find a doctor who can recognize the symptoms, listens to their concerns,  and who is experienced in treating Myositis. It is vital that you become your own healthcare advocate!

Tips to find a doctor:

Reach out to others

  • Reach out to other patients and caregivers by posting in a support group. Myositis support groups or on our Myositis Support Community

    In your post, be sure to include: 

    • Type of doctor you are looking for (Rheumatologist, Neurologist, Dermatologist, Pulmonologist, Rehabilitation  Specialist, etc)
    • The area you are looking in, including a city name that is close for reference.
    • If you are willing to travel. (Remember, MSU offers financial assistance for travel)

  • Try a Google Search

    Another way to find doctors who focus on Myositis in your area is to Google some keywords. For example, if you live in Atlanta, GA, you can search “Dermatomyositis doctor Atlanta.” The information you find can provide more in-depth information about physicians in your area who understand Myositis.

    You may also find information about doctors who have published research about Myositis or who have participated in drug trials, served on related boards, or have spoken at conferences. Once you have identified those in your area who you believe are experienced with Myositis, call or email the offices to determine the appointment process.

  • Contact Us

    If you still need help locating a physician in or around your area, feel free to contact us. We will help as best we can.

    Contact MSU via email

    Contact MSU on our Facebook page

Try directories

  • MediFind

    Search for Myositis specialists.

    Visit MediFind

  • American College of Rheumatology (ACR)

    Use the form on the website to find a Rheumatologist in your area. Option to search adult and pediatric.

    Search for a Rheumatologist

  • American Academy of Neurology

    Use the form on the website to find a Neurologist in your area. Search by sub-specialties as well.

    Search for a Neurologist

  • The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)

    The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) is the largest organization of dermatologists. You can search for a provider using advanced search criteria.

    Search for a Dermatologist

  • Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)

    Call 1-800-572-1717 or visit the sites below:

    United States:
    New Zealand:

  • Rheumatologic Dermatology Society (RDS)

    RDS is comprised of doctors who are trained in both dermatology and rheumatology, and is especially helpful for people with Dermatomyositis. The organization has member physicians in 18 U.S. states and in Canada.

    See listing of RDS Physicans

Looking Outside Your Area

If you haven’t responded to treatment, or live in an area where Myositis-experienced doctors are difficult to find, you may consider traveling to a medical center where you can see a doctor who specializes in Myositis.

If you have exhausted your efforts in finding proper medical care for your particular disease, and believe your only option to finding expert medical care is away from home, ask your insurance company if they will cover travel and medical expenses for a specialist in the field of Myositis. Make sure you can provide documentation about your symptoms, your attempts to find Myositis-specific medical care locally, and the credentials of the specialist(s) you have identified. If turned down, you have the right to appeal this decision through multiple channels. Also, find out from the medical center or the physician you intend to see if they will take your insurance.

Clinical Trial Matching

We have partnered with Antidote Technologies to help you find your clinical trial match. Start your clinical trial match today.

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Myositis Centers

Not a complete listing, more to be added

Submit your myositis specialist

Click the button below to list your physician’s details. This is helpful for other myositis patients that may be looking for a physician in the same area.

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