Get Involved with MSU

Empowering the Myositis Community

Check out the various ways you can get involved with MSU to help make a difference in the lives of Myositis patients and caregivers, as well as other beneficial ways to help MSU continue moving forward with our mission and patient-centered programs.

Group Moderators

Do you enjoy helping others not feel alone in their myositis journey? Do you have 1-2 hours a day to spare? Join us as a group moderator for our outstanding groups that have helped others since 2010. Submit the form to get started!

Join our Moderator Team


Volunteers are the heart of MSU. We are an all volunteer-managed nonprofit and are always looking for enthusiastic and passionate people to join our team. Visit our volunteer page to apply and start making a difference.

Sign up to volunteer

Help Advoc8 & Educ8

Learn more about how you can help Advoc8 and Educa8 others about myositis, MSU, and related topics. Education is key and we put Knowledge in Action.

See how you can help

Share your #MyositisLIFE

We learn from the experiences of others. Share your Myositis or Caregiver experiences with us on our new #MyositisLIFE website. Your voice matters!

Share your story

May is Myositis Awareness Month

Myositis Awareness Month is observed during the month of May. This is a wonderful opportunity to educate others about the different types of inflammatory myopathies (myositis).

May is also a great month to host in person and online events and to honor and remember those we have lost with myositis.

Resources created for awareness month are available to use all year long. Check out the awareness resources and download and share to helps others understand your rare disease.

See Awareness Information

Create a Fundraiser

Create your own myositis fundraiser. Personal fundraisers are fun, educational, and attract a large audience. Share your fundraiser with us so we can help you make it the very best!

Launch a Fundraiser

Make a Donation

Nonprofits simply cannot exist without funding. Make a tax-deductible financial contribution today to help MSU continue moving forward with patient-centered programs.

Donate Today

Use the power of Social Networking

Like, Follow, and Share our social networking sites to get involved and help spread the word about myositis, overlaps, caregiving, chronic illness, autoimmunity, and other topics.

See our social networks

Effortless Ways to Help

There are many ways you can help a nonprofit like MSU. Some of them are effortless on your part. Check out the many cost-free ways you can help support us, and share with your friends.

Find ways to help

Donate your Birthday on Facebook

Easily donate your birthday to raise money for MSU!

  • Start by visiting our Facebook page Fundraisers tab
  • Click the blue Raise Money button
  • Enter your fundraising goal and choose an end date.
  • Enter the reason you support and are raising money for MSU.
  • Add your photo or select from those provided.
  • Share everywhere! For best engagement, update your fundraiser with a post from time to time.
Start your Facebook Fundraiser

© 2025 Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU). All rights reserved. | View our Privacy Policy, Terms, and Non-Discrimination policy. MSU is a charitable organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Federal ID #47-4570748.

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