Hands On Physical Therapy for Myositis Patients with David Overby

David Overby is a physical therapist with his own practice, Hands On Therapeutics, in St. Louis, MO. He joined to talk about what hands on therapy is, like myofascial release, and how it can be beneficial. Watch to learn more!

This also includes Q&A from patients.

David says, “I have seen the value of manual medicine and other physical therapy treatments for controlling pain and helping establish momentum for patients as they move toward their goals.  In the end, healing occurs only when a patient is empowered with knowledge, given the necessary tools to fix their problem, and encouraged to accept responsibility for their own well being.”

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David Overby – Hands-on PT for Myositis Patients

Meet David Overby, Physical Therapist

David started his career path at Maryville University, where he received his Bachelors in Physical Therapy in 1990. He furthered his academic career by receiving a Masters in Health Science, with emphasis on physical therapy, from Washington University. David achieved his first principle career goal in 1997 with the opening of an outpatient orthopedic and sports physical therapy clinic, West Physical and Sports Therapy.   In 2003, David decided that the best and most complete way he could serve his patients is through collaboration with Dr. Ravi Yadava of Performance Rehabilitation. Hands On Therapeutics was born in 2003 as the therapeutic arm of a multidisciplinary program to serve all nonsurgical and surgical neuromusculoskeletal problems.  David has dedicated his career to the enhancement of orthopedic and sports rehabilitation. He has had the privilege of studying under healers from a large array of disciplines and has developed a wide spectrum of knowledge and skills that provide a framework for his success. His ability to coalesce traditional university scientific thinking with the apparent contradictions of alternative therapeutics and then apply that knowledge in an efficient and compassionate manner is what makes him uniquely effective in his practice. 

“I have seen the value of manual medicine and other physical therapy treatments for controlling pain and helping establish momentum for patients as they move toward their goals.  In the end, healing occurs only when a patient is empowered with knowledge, given the necessary tools to fix their problem, and encouraged to accept responsibility for their own well being.” 

Learn more about David and his practice at http://www.handsonstl.org/team

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Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU) is a patient-centered, all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Empowering the Myositis Community. Founded by Myositis patients, for Myositis patients, MSU provides education, support, advocacy, access to research and clinical trial matching, and need-based financial assistance.

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