Exercise in Place webinars, created by MSU together with Megan and Lauren (Occupational Therapy) and Fin and Ruben (Physical Therapy) with the Johns Hopkins Myositis Center, are designed for myositis patients, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the importance of exercise for myositis, we want patients to focus on exercising safely while sheltering in place.

Do you have an exercise plan in place, together with your doctor and a physical therapist?

Find a physical therapist: Visit “Find a PT” section of ChoosePT by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). Narrow your search to specialists under the Neurologic and Orthopaedic categories.

© 2024 Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU). All rights reserved. | View our Privacy Policy, Terms, and Non-Discrimination policy. MSU is a charitable organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Federal ID #47-4570748.

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