At MSU, our passion translates into action
As promised, the brand new Myositis Support and Understanding Association website is now live!
The new easy-to-navigate, easy-to-read website has undergone a full overhaul adding invaluable information, resources, features, support options, and information about our programs and services.
As a result of the organization’s constant interaction with Myositis patients and caregivers, MSU has expanded the topics and resources; essential tools to educate, advocate, and support.
“We are constantly and consistently looking for ways to provide patients and caregivers with the very best in education and support. I believe our new website does exactly that, as well as offers new forms of online support for our members.” – Jerry Williams
Video Chats
One of the major additions is the Video Chat program through This program allows members, administration, and board members to interact face-to-face, building stronger relationships, adding better lines of support, and complementing the previous programs with a new element of fun!
Future plans for Video Chats include dedicated disease-type Chats (IBM, DM, PM), “getting to know you,” guided meditations, laughter yoga, comedy hour, poetry readings, author Q and A’s, nutrition conversations, medicinal marijuana (where legal), and more! MSU is always open to suggestions for other topics.
Simply Put
One of the new features that is launching with the redesigned site is a series of articles called “Simply Put” which takes complex topics and gives short, easy-to-understand information in plain-English. It isn’t intended to give an in-depth understanding of medical topics, just a starting point from which patients can have conversations with their doctors.
Expanded Membership Benefits
The new site has more streamlined interfaces for both visitors and contributors. All visitors will have the ability to register with the site to become “site members” so that they can fully take advantage of all the site has to offer, including becoming a visiting writer, participating in polls, donating money to further MSU’s mission and vision, being a part of the Myositis Network, and purchasing items from the MSU store.
Members Can Advertise Their Products and Home-Based Businesses
Along with MSU’s new website comes a host of new features and a new program that allows patients and caregivers, as members of MSU, to advertise their small or home-based businesses. This new Member Advertising program is affordable and is a win-win for both parties involved.
The Member Advertising program came to light through requests in our Facebook support groups. We wanted to allow members to advertise their hobbies, crafts, and other small businesses, but at the same time we didn’t want our groups filled with advertising as they are for patient and caregiver support and education. This new program provides a solution that works.
Increased Communications
Another important new addition to the website is a built-in social networking feature just for MSU members. It will also allow physicians and healthcare providers to join in the conversation where appropriate. This network will allow everyone to come together in one place, at one time, for one purpose – the MSU Mission.
MSU: An All-Volunteer Organization
As stewards of the MSU organization responsible for managing its best interest, it is important to note that this website did not come at any monetary cost. The site was built and is maintained by a Board Member, with complete content collaboration of the entire Board and volunteers at every level. It is important that the Board manages MSU’s money responsibly and that donations, sales, and other forms of contributions to MSU are used to carry out its mission and vision, focusing on the needs of Myositis patients and caregivers as the benefactors of this income.
MSU is an organization led by people impacted by Myositis for people impacted by Myositis. The Board and Volunteers continue to look forward to ways to serve its constituents!
A couple of notes to help you along:
Register: Even if you had an account on our previous website, you will need to register again. This will provide you with access to the Myositis Network, as well as your official MSU membership.
Website Groups: As a part of the Myositis Network, we will be creating website groups in the near future.
Glitches: As with any technology, there may be some bugs at first, so we ask that you please work with us and understand that this process is normal. We will work quickly to fix anything found and request your assistance by reporting anything you find to us via email at
We will continue to make improvements to our new website over time and we appreciate your involvement.
Tags: myositis support
We are so excited to see our members get more involved in all of these programs! As we build community we each get stronger! Myositis may weaken our bodies, but it will not weaken our spirits!