Remembering those we have lost to myositis

and those continuing to fight . . .

On May 26, 2019, Myositis Support and Understanding (MSU) held its Second Annual “A Day of Remembrance” a video event to honor and remember those we have lost with myositis.

We thank the sponsors of this event: Corbus Pharmaceuticals, Orphazyme A/S, CSI Pharmacy, and Diplomat Specialty Infusion Group.

MSU Sponsors

Learn more about Corbus Pharmaceuticals, Orphazyme A/S, CSI Pharmacy, and Diplomat Specialty Infusion Group, the generous sponsors of the 2019 “A Day of Remembrance” event. Each sponsor is committed to our community and we thank them for their support.

Include your loved one, in memory

“A Day of Remembrance” is held during Myositis Awareness Month, May of each year. If you have lost a loved one with myositis and want us to remember them publicly, please submit their information along with photos and/or short videos.

About “A Day of Remembrance”

In past years we hosted a moment of silence to honor and remember those who have passed with myositis. Beginning in 2018, we decided to do more and created “A Day of Remembrance” a video event to publicly memorialize those we have lost to the group of rare muscle, skin, and often multi-organ diseases, the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM), generally referred to as myositis.

As a part of this event, we also include awareness and educational information to help others better understand the needs of the myositis community, including the need for more collaborative and innovative research, clinical trials, and partnerships.

See more myositis videos



Myositis Support and Understanding Association (MSU) is a patient-centered, all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Empowering the Myositis Community. Founded by Myositis patients, for Myositis patients, MSU provides education, support, advocacy, access to research and clinical trial matching, and need-based financial assistance.

View more information: Myositis Support


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