We all face a tough battle living with rare, autoimmune diseases like myositis. Remember to Be Kind as we never know what one is dealing with on a particular day.
This article really struck at the heart of what many of us living with myositis face. We suggest reading and sharing this article.
“Be Kind”
By Rebecca Zook
“The rare disease-diagnosis road is not for the fainthearted. Anyone who has traveled it or lives with any kind of chronic illness is far stronger than you can imagine. We call ourselves zebra-warriors. In reality, we aren’t braver than anyone else; we are fighting because we have no choice. We are fighting an endless, unwinnable battle because the alternative is unthinkable. We have no cure and no end point. We walk side by side with our diagnoses and have to make peace with them.”
Read the full article at http://www.igliving.com/BlogEngine/post/be-kind.aspx
Tags: rare disease