#GivingTuesday 2014
Mark Your Calendar! Tuesday, December 2, 2014, is the day for charitable organizations, families, businesses, communities, students, churches, clubs and individuals worldwide to come together for a common purpose: to give and to celebrate generosity by making and an impact on communities and nonprofits and then to publicize what was done by using social media and other platforms.
Giving Tuesday was launched in 2012 and has already impacted over 10,000 organizations throughout the world. The premise is to kick off the giving season after Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which focuses on commercialism and consumerism.
Participation is quite simple: Just find a way to give something and then tell everyone you can about the contribution you, your business or your organization made. Even the smallest gesture leaves a lasting impression whether it is a monetary gift or one of your time or heart.
Here are some examples of how you can help:
- Be a part of the #unselfie movement by posting your unselfie photo on our page
- Donate nonperishable items to the food pantry in your town
- Help your neighbor, family or friend with their house or lawn
- Donate blood or plasma
- Drop off books you are no longer reading to your library, church or book drop off
- Mail a holiday or support card to a deployed member of the armed service, wounded warrior or veteran (http://www.operationgratitude.com/get-involved/write-letters/)
- Donate to MSU.
- Make and deliver lunch for your elderly neighbor who may be housebound or just spend time talking with them
- Check with your local dry cleaners or shelters and see if they are accepting winter coats, scarves, gloves or socks to donate to shelters.
- Help a family in need during the holiday season, a gift or food will make them feel loved and special
- Select a person or family from a local “angel tree” or buy a toy for Toys for Tots
- Pick up trash along the street or in a park
Giving Tuesday activities are planned in many areas throughout the world. To learn what is planned in your area:
- Giving Tuesday: https://www.givingtuesday.org/
Other ways to find local volunteer opportunities:
- Volunteer Match: http://www.volunteermatch.org
- Great Nonprofits: https://greatnonprofits.org/org/myositis-support-and-understanding-association
We encourage you to post what you did on Giving Tuesday on this page and look forward to hearing your stories and seeing your photos.
Remember to share your photo’s and story of how you gave on #GivingTuesday!
Tags: givingtuesday volunteer