My Myositis Story

by Guest Author, Lakita Smith

Hey, my name is Lakita Smith and I’ve been dealing with my rare disease for about three years, going on four.

I found out in June 2013 that I had lupus, and then around December 2014 I went in to the hospital and found out that I have dermatomyositis.

It’s been hard for me to do different things but I still have my strength and I try to do something different everyday. My muscles hurts at times and I get out of breath, but I use my inhaler.

As part of the dermatomyositis, I also have lung disease along with the muscle disease. All these diseases are a mix and a part of living with dermatomyositis.

I am living life just right and looking forward to the future when one day my doctor tells me that I don’t have this disease anymore!



View more information: Lakita


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