Archive for category: Myositis Life Hacks
Myositis Life Hacks are tips to help make life easier when living with myositis, a rare, chronic illness that impacts every facet of life.
Share your myositis or disability life hacks by visiting and registering. Also, comment and interact with other patients and caregivers and their #MyositisLIFE posts.
Myositis Do-It-Yourself Accessibility Adaptations with Larry M.

Larry M. is living with inclusion body myositis (IBM) and he joined us to share adaptations he has made...
12 things your chronically ill friend wants you to know about feeling left behind, and what you can do to help!

One of the worst things someone with chronic illness can do is make a mistake in the balance between...
Myositis Life Hacks – Make your life with Myositis easier

Hack your MyositisLIFE with easy life hacks, simple changes to your life to make it easier
Social networking is an effective and fun way to promote Myositis awareness, however, many do not understand how to...